Just sittin' on the dock of the bay... wasting time
Encontrei o original desta música de Otis Redding num blog pelo qual me perdi - ao estilo do triângulo das bermudas - quis por lá velejar... e por lá fiquei - literalmente (ver posts anteriores).
Presa num hiato de tempo, recordei músicas... reencontrei partes de mim.
Fica aqui este clássico, na voz de Eddie Vedder (eu sei, eu sei, ai que bom!).
Sitting in the morning sun
I'll be sitting when the evening comes
Watching the ships roll in
And I watch 'em roll away again
Sitting on the dock of the bay
Watching the tide roll away
I'm just sitting on the dock of the bay
Wasting time
I left my home in Georgia
Headed for the 'Frisco bay
'Cause I had nothin to live for
And look like nothing's gonna come my way
So I'm just...
Look like nothing's gonna change
Everything still remains the same
I can't do what ten people tell me to do
So I guess I'll remain the same
Sittin here resting my bones
And this loneliness won't leave me alone
It's two thousand miles I roamed
Just to make this dock my home
Now, I'm just...
P.S. E quando não é preciso dizer mais nada ...