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Blue 258

Blue 258


Mais uma para ti Maggie


E para mim também. E com direito a um trailer com a Julia Roberts e tudo! Surpresa agradável: também ela é fã de Dave Matthews. Fui espreitar, claro, como não podia deixar de ser, tinha de saber como tudo se proporcionou aqui.



Dreamgirl? Dreamgirl. Dreamgirl!





Face down in the grass,
in the park, in the middle
of a hot afternoon
Your top was untied
And I thought how nice
It’d be to follow the sweat down your spine

You’re like my best friend
oh after a good, good drunk
You and me wake up and make love after a deep sleep
Where I was Dreamin’, I was Dreamin’ of a
Dreamgirl, Dreamgirl, Dreamgirl, Dreamgirl

Caught by a wave
my back to the ocean
it knocks me off my feet and
just as I find my footing
here you come again
Dreamgirl, oh  Dreamgirl, Dreamgirl, Dreamgirl, Dreamgirl, Dreamgirl, Dreamgirl

(Scat….trails off)

*The Deep end, Deep end
Deep end, Deep end
Deep end






Maggie, esta é para ti


Numa altura de bênçãos, nada melhor do que este momento para te dedicar esta música - fala de anjos (achei que tinha a ver) e de tudo o resto, de amor, da falta que nos faz na vida aquele tipo especial de pessoas, para compreender, para ajudar a suportar o ser.





Loving Wings


My heart was made of broken bones
My Soul’s a bag of stick and stone
And you along this dusty road
Have come my love to take me home

I give to you my everything
Cause you’ve given me these loving wings
And angels have all gathered round
to hear me sing my love out loud (oh...)

You lightly lifted me away
Out of a darkness, cold and gray
And I work beneath the midday sun
My cool blue water you have come

 So I give to you my everything
You’ve given me these loving wings
And angels have all gathered round
to hear me sing my love out loud (oh...)

So take your place here next to me
And I'll take my place there next to thee
And no matter how far we may roam
Its by your side I make my home

I give to you my everything
You’ve given me these loving wings
And angels have all gathered round
to hear me sing my love out loud (oh...)