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Blue 258

Blue 258




Hoje, sem saber o motivo, lembrei-me de ti. Logo depois de acordar, naquele estado de confusão em que a mente começa a despertar num corpo ainda lânguido.

Não percebi logo que era de ti que se tratava tal foi a violência com que os pensamentos começaram a chegar. Pareciam desordenados, caóticos e chegavam apressados como passageiros desesperados por chegar ao destino numa qualquer estação de comboio.

Mas numa sucessão do que então me pareceram segundos, cheguei a esta música. Ou a música chegou a mim. Como que para me lembrar da história num livro fechado e arrumado na estante. E é isto. Palavra por palavra. Não é?

Bury all your secrets in my skinCome away with innocence, and leave me with my sinsThe air around me still feels like a cageAnd love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage again
So, if you love me, let me goAnd run away before I knowMy heart is just too dark to careI can't destroy what isn't thereDeliver me into my fateIf I'm alone I cannot hateI don't deserve to have youOoh, my smile was taken long agoIf I can change I hope I never know
I still press your letters to my lipsAnd cherish them in parts of me that savor every kissI couldn't face a life without your light (without your light)But all of that was ripped apart when you refused to fight
So, save your breath, I will not hearI think I made it very clearYou couldn't hate enough to loveIs that supposed to be enough?I only wish you weren't my friendThen I could hurt you in the endI never claimed to be a saintOoh, my own was banished long agoIt took the death of hope to let you go
So, break yourself against my stonesAnd spit your pity in my soulYou never needed any helpYou sold me out to save yourselfAnd I won't listen to your shameYou ran away, you're all the sameAngels lie to keep controlOoh, my love was punished long agoIf you still care, don't ever let me knowIf you still care, don't ever let me know

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