Hell is around the corner
And when you walk, do you walk to your preference?
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And when you walk, do you walk to your preference?
I'm feeling rough, I'm feeling raw, I'm in the prime of my life.
Let's make some music, make some money, find some models for wives.
I'll move to Paris, shoot some heroin, and fuck with the stars.
You man the island and the cocaine and the elegant cars.
This is our decision, to live fast and die young.
We've got the vision, now let's have some fun.
Yeah, it's overwhelming, but what else can we do.
Get jobs in offices, and wake up for the morning commute.
Forget about our mothers and our friends
We're fated to pretend
To pretend
We're fated to pretend
To pretend
I'll miss the playgrounds and the animals and digging up worms
I'll miss the comfort of my mother and the weight of the world
I'll miss my sister, miss my father, miss my dog and my home
Yeah, I'll miss the boredom and the freedom and the time spent alone.
There's really nothing, nothing we can do
Love must be forgotten, life can always start up anew.
The models will have children, we'll get a divorce
We'll find some more models, everything must run it's course.
We'll choke on our vomit and that will be the end
We were fated to pretend
To pretend
We're fated to pretend
To pretend
You can make up a list
Of the things you want
...Could be anything.
When you've crossed them all off,
And there's nothing left,
To start again.
The occasional milestone on your path,
Shows how far you've come.
But the record will show,
And it's all too much,
And not enough.
So step right up,
Everything's just fine.
I'm only here to do what's right.
If it cannot be slowed,
And it's too late to change,
Just cover up
Keep it spinning around out of control,
Till it's hard to stop
Like a moth to the flame, you can't resist
You have to get involved.
Why did you get involved?
So step right up,
Everything's just fine.
I'm only here to do what's right
Don't worry about it
Tell us what's your secret?
How come it works everytime?
You make it look so easy,
Like you don't even try.
Tell us what's your secret?
Have you got something to hide?
If giving up so easy,
Why do you even try?
And the record will show
You were falling fast,
It was all too much,
And you weren't fast enough
So step right up,
Everything's just fine.
I'm only here to do what's right
Don't worry about it
Tell us what's the secret?
How come it works everytime?
You make it look so easy,
Like you don't even try.
Tell us what's your secret?
Have you got something to hide?
If giving up so easy,
Why do you even try?
It's like you don't even try.
It's never all too much
Yeah, and not enough
It's like you don't even try.
It's never all too much
Yeah, and not enough.
Encontrei o original desta música de Otis Redding num blog pelo qual me perdi - ao estilo do triângulo das bermudas - quis por lá velejar... e por lá fiquei - literalmente (ver posts anteriores).
Presa num hiato de tempo, recordei músicas... reencontrei partes de mim.
Fica aqui este clássico, na voz de Eddie Vedder (eu sei, eu sei, ai que bom!).
Sitting in the morning sun
I'll be sitting when the evening comes
Watching the ships roll in
And I watch 'em roll away again
Sitting on the dock of the bay
Watching the tide roll away
I'm just sitting on the dock of the bay
Wasting time
I left my home in Georgia
Headed for the 'Frisco bay
'Cause I had nothin to live for
And look like nothing's gonna come my way
So I'm just...
Look like nothing's gonna change
Everything still remains the same
I can't do what ten people tell me to do
So I guess I'll remain the same
Sittin here resting my bones
And this loneliness won't leave me alone
It's two thousand miles I roamed
Just to make this dock my home
Now, I'm just...
P.S. E quando não é preciso dizer mais nada ...
Talk about the weather
Will you miss me ever?
Lately I'm obsessed
And I need the rest
I hope that you're impressed
But she's so pretty, I'm jealous
And she's lost like Alice
In a painted past
In a looking glass
I see me looking back
I'll take another, Drink Me, baby
Slowly, I'll disappear
And wear my life like a barbed wire necklace
So let's play truth or dare
So you're a fan of Coltrane
I wanna be Kurt Cobain
When the truth gets scary
I'll take my gin and sherry
And some Drink Me they'll be
Plath and Joplin with verse writing suiciders
Kennedy and Monroe come to see my rock show
I'll be there in the front row
I'll take another, Drink Me, baby
Slowly, I'll disappear
And wear my life like a barbed wire necklace
So let's play truth or dare
And I won't be around to play your games
There will come a day when you won't know my name
And I'll get smaller with
Every swallow you'll
Wait tomorrow and things won't be the same
Talk about the weather
Will you miss me ever?
Lately I'm obsessed
And I need the rest
I hope that you're impressed
Cuz I need the rest
And my head's a mess
I need the rest
I need the rest
I need the rest
As amizades têm de ser cultivadas.
O amor tem de ser regado com carinho.
Somos obrigados a dar. De nós.
A partilhar. Mesmo quando não se quer.
Mesmo quando nos queremos fechar.
Mesmo quando não nos queremos dar.
Mesmo quando sentimos que não temos nada para dar.
P.S. Eu queria estar em lockdown mode... Pronto, era o que queria.
E a letra desta música, que não me saiu da cabeça a tarde toda...