Sweet joy
Watcha drinking?
Rum or whiskey?
Now won'tcha have a
Double with me?
We were mysterious
I was so serious
I'm sorry I'm a little late
You know the stripes on a tiger
Are hard to change
I know this world feels
Like an empty stage
I'll never forget you
Always remember me
We just got swallowed up
You know I didn't forget you
We just got swallowed up
Well, we just got swallowed up
But you love that I didn't forget you
We just got swallowed up
By the whole damn world
Watcha thinking?
Did you miss me?
P.S.: Música roubadinha - ouvi, gostei, voltei a ouvir, e roubei. Encontrei-a aqui, num Doce Sussurro. It's funny how it fits, doesn't it?