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Blue 258

Blue 258




I will come to you in the daytime
I will raise you from your sleep
I will kiss you in four places
As I go runnin' down your street

I will squeeze the life right out of you
I will make you laugh, and make you cry
And we may never forget it
As I make you call my name as you shout it to the blue, summer sky

And we may never meet again
So shed your skin lets get started
And you will throw your arms around me
And you will throw your arms around me



I will come to you at nightime
I will climb into your bed
I will kiss you in 155 places
As I go swim around in your head

I will squeeze the life right out of you
I will make you laugh, I'll make you cry
And we may never forget it
As I make you call my name as you shout it to the blue, summer sky

And we may never meet again
So shed your skin lets get started
And you will throw your arms around me
And you will throw your arms around me

Izzie, partilhamos esta?


Ainda não te tinha dedicado uma música, embora soubesse, que quando o fizesse, a música só podia ser uma e apenas uma  ;)


E esta, anda há dias a rondar-me o pensamento. Há dias que me chama, que me procura dizer o que quero, o que sinto precisar. E hoje, diz muito, se não tudo.

Porque hoje, preciso... quero, esquecer-me de mim. Quero um abraço tão apertado... que torne difícil o próprio acto de respirar. Quero que me interrompa a circulação sanguínea. Quero o cérebro privado de oxigénio. Quero sentir...

Hoje... preciso de me perder naquele abraço do tamanho do mundo.


I will squeeze the life right out of you
I will make you laugh, I'll make you cry
And we may never forget it
As I make you call my name as I shout it to the blue, summer sky
And we may never meet again
So shed your skin lets get started
And you will throw your arms around me

And you will throw your arms around me



Throw your arms around me




 Devo andar carente... de abraços, de ser abraçada ou então (mais provável), de me sentir confortada, protegida, resguardada. Portanto esta musiquinha vem mesmo dentro do tema.

Diz a Izzie que é das mais bonitas... é, então não é? Portanto...

This one is for you too. Izzie, enjoy!


Throw your arms around me (lyrics)

I will come to you in the daytime
I will raise you from your sleep
I will kiss you in four places
As I go runnin' down your street

I will squeeze the life right out of you
I will make you laugh, and make you cry
And we may never forget it
As I make you call my name as you shout it to the blue, summer sky

And we may never meet again
So shed your skin lets get started
And you will throw your arms around me
And you will throw your arms around me

I will come to you at nightime
I will climb into your bed
I will kiss you in 195 places
As I go swim around in your head

I will squeeze the life right out of you
I will make you laugh, I'll make you cry
And we may never forget it
As I make you call my name as you shout it to the blue, summer sky

And we may never meet again
So shed your skin lets get started
And you will throw your arms around me
And you will throw your arms around me

Ohh yeah, uh huh, uh huh...
Ohh yeah, uh hum, ooh...
Ohh yeah, uh huh, uh huh...
Oh...and you will throw your arms around me...